Review of Dao Lodge & Homestay

3/5.0Published 17-12-2020

"Cần được đầu tư thêm dịch vụ với giá phòng..."

Cần được đầu tư thêm dịch vụ với giá phòng

Recent reviews
for Dao Lodge & Homestay

Michael Glen
2/5.0Michael Glen

"The services could be a lot better for the pr..."

The services could be a lot better for the price. I understand it's a homestay in a rural district, so one can't expect luxury. Still, there are numerous o[...]

Arya Linh Nguyen
5/5.0Arya Linh Nguyen

"Good choice to stay. Clean and have private r..."

Good choice to stay. Clean and have private room

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