Review of Du Già Cốc Pảng Homestay

1/5.0Published 19-04-2021

"Positive: A quiet house compared to other hou..."

Positive: A quiet house compared to other houses. The owner is very friendly and the food is delicious, and in the morning wake up a fresh air and rice fields..

Recent reviews
for Du Già Cốc Pảng Homestay


"Positive: Don’t expect any big luxury, but go..."

Positive: Don’t expect any big luxury, but go for the experience! The owners are so sweet, the food they prepared was amazing. You get a private room with[...]

Míša Řezníková
5/5.0Míša Řezníková

"Amazing life experience. This place was clean..."

Amazing life experience. This place was clean and quiet and the food was delicious. They were very friendly, helpful and always had a smile on their face. [...]

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